Friday, April 13, 2012

Bloodsucking Disco Ball

Welcome, one and all, to the first "Quacktown" strip in full frontal page goodness! Our first strip introduces our two main players, Quacklad, the occult "ducktective", and his doggy protege, Tyrra the Hyper Husky, as they take on critters of the paranormal variety in all shapes and sizes residing in the spooky city of Walpurgis.

We begin with a brief scene of young (and freakishly questionable) romance between the human teenage girl, Belinda Puffin, and her sparkling fanged lover, Teddy Sulkin. With the Duck showing up, you know it's gonna be a short-lived relationship. 
  •  Nothing personal against "Twilight" fans, but the vampires I grew up with were dark, undead creatures of the night, able to turn into a bat, wolf, rat, and/or puff of smoke, and fed on their seduced living prey, NOT sparkling high school pretty boys with wooden/shallow girlfriends who like to be rescued (Ashley Greene as Edward's precognitive sister, Alice Cullen, is pretty smokin', though). Still, somewhere right now, Anne Rice is comforting a traumatized Lestat who's weeping in his velvet-lined coffin...
  • "And so the sperm whale fell in love with the giant squid."- just as ridiculous as the actual quote in the book/movie, but with much cooler animal foes in nature.
  • I don't care who you are, but drawing the maiming of a character you can't stand is downright therapeutic. 
  • Quacklad holding his crossbow pistol was a challenging pose to draw- it turned out alright, I guess. His badass expression more than makes up for it, though.
  • I'm very proud at how the panel showing Teddy's flaming demise turned out (expect some more delightfully morbid scenes like this out of this webcomic in the near future). I probably should've made his skeleton in the next panel more charred, but I figured it would be too distracting.
  • Tyrra's one of those "sit-back-watch-&-learn" sidekicks when it comes to mild monster take-downs; to her, it's like watching a short and cheesy '50s sci-fi flick. 
  • The Duck's reaction was inspired by the infamous "Zombie Flanders" scene from "Treehouse of Horror III" on "The Simpsons"- I'm a HUGE Simpsons fan, so don't be surprised if a nod gets thrown in here or there.
Since this I'm a newbie at this webcomic malarkey, I'll be starting out with a few one-shot strips and updating around Fridays, then hopefully to an extra one for Saturdays/Sundays.


  1. Awesome! The first comic turned out great! Love the paneling. Got a chuckle outa me too. XD

    I look forward to more!

    1. Thanks, Holly! Speaking of the paneling, that flaming Teddy panel's gotta be the best one, what with the gradient and overlap. Ah, good to know; I'm doing something right then XD

      Cool, then stay tuned! ;)

  2. FINALLY! A perfect start to the Quacktown world!

    Mareo R

  3. LOL! The design suits the theme of the comic well, you really know your stuff! :D Great start, man!


  4. Haha I still crack up at that line; "So the sperm whale fell in love with the giant squid" xDD

    Congrats on getting Quacktown officially started! I'm already looking forward to the next strip! :D
