Saturday, December 1, 2012

Extra Value Real

What's this? A realistic Quacklad and Tyrra?! Oh, the horror!

Once again, everybody, I apologize for being so slack on updates. The last half of November's had its ups and downs. My job pretty much ended for the season, and I've been back on the close-but-no-cigar search for work. Hasn't been a complete bummer, though. Thanksgiving was nice, and we got to go the Carolina Renaissance Festival. I met one of my favorite fantasy artists, Ruth Thompson, there, and she signed a print of a dragon I bought from her. I had been going through a pretty bad art funk, but thanks to a new sketchbook, looks like it's passed.
  • I got inspired by the sixth Sidebar comic of "Meowington" to draw the Duck and Husky this way; Holly drew her characters, Greg and Kimberly, as realistic kitty-cats. Check out more of "Meowington", along with Holly's stuff!- &
  • Realistic art styles and me have not had an understandable relationship, and despite how artists, as they get older, feel the need to try something they're not used to, I was a bit nervous. All and all, I think it turned out okay; Tyrra looks neat, but Quacklad scares me.
  • Traditional media's been set back on the burner in my art-making for a while, but since I've been doodling around in my sketchbook, I thought it'd be cool to whip out a regular .05 mechanical pencil, some colored pencils, an a Stylo sketch pen on this strip for a change.
  • I got stumped on what to title this strip, so I just settled on a playful jab towards McDonald's "Extra Value Meal" (again, sorry for the corniness- and I've been cravin' Mickey-D's like crazy lately).
Now that December's here, expect some holiday-related strips this month. Hoping to try my hand at finally doing holiday commission work soon to help with bills and Christmas shopping, so if anybody's interested, just e-mail me. 
See ya next time, guys! Good to be back in the artist's saddle.

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