Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Rocket Mush!

The first month of the new year's almost over- and I STILL can't update on time. Sheesh, I'm bad at this...

Once again, guys, my apologies for not updating sooner. January's been a pretty hectic month for me. I'm moving into a new house, and got too distracted with packing things and finishing up a commission for a friend. On top of that, I'm burned out. 

I can draw whatever that comes to mind, except anything "Quacktown"-related. I'm not bored or tired of doing this; just can't think of creative for "Quacktown" right now. Guess it's stress of moving, winter blues, and job-hunting, I dunno. This drawing was made before the burnout, and was actually my first drawing for 2013. Not a comic, but it's got Quacklad and Tyrra, so it counts.

Hopefully, starting today, I can work out a concrete schedule for comic updates. I plan on posting on Wednesdays and the weekends, instead of the usual random pace I've been doing since the comic started. Again, sorry for keeping you guys in the dark. Maybe February will be a more fruitful month for comics.
  • Tyrra's idea of fun points and laughs at danger's punk self, much to Quacklad's chagrin. Let's face it: huskies would have too much fun with untested explosives if they got their paws on them.
  • To answer anybody who's looking at this and thinking it (mind-taking!): yes, I was inspired by "Calvin & Hobbes". Pretty funny considering I had just finished reading one of my "Calvin & Hobbes" collection TPBs, "The Days Are Just Packed", before sketching it out. It's pretty obvious who'd be the Hobbes of these two, folks.
  • That quote from "Richard III" sums up both the situation in this drawing and the first half of this year so far eerily spot on.
  • Tyrra was drawn with a Chuck Jones-style grin here, and I feel like a cad for not doing it more often (that can be fixed). 
  • I've been playing around with using gradients as tones to compensate for shading, and so far, I like the look of it, especially for this piece. I just like how they make colors pop out. 
One other new thing you may notice, is the change of the background layout for the blog. A dark olive green color got boring to look at, so hope you a repeating black-&-white one of two old anatomy drawings of a duck and dog's skulls. Mixing it up with some retro spookiness here, that's how I roll, oddly enough.
Toodle-to-the-loo for now!

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