Sunday, June 10, 2012

Flesh 'N Blood Husky

After a brief hiatus, we're back! Long story short, it's been a busy/stressful month so far- but I won't bore anybody with the details. Onto the comic!

To keep things fresh and fun without getting burned and stressed out with a storyline-in-progress, this strip will be the start of some filler strips: one-panel comics that aren't part of the story, just something extra for everybody.

Here we see Tyrra partaking in the good ol' past time of goofing off and enjoying some classic music: Oingo Boingo's "Flesh 'N Blood".
  • I'm a BIG fan of Oingo Boingo and of Danny Elfman's work. The spooky/quirkiness seems to have a nice place within "Quacktown" (most of my "art-inspiring tunes" playlist consists of Elfman's scores and my favorite Oingo Boingo songs, not to mention Voltaire, Alice Cooper, and of course, my hero, "Weird Al" Yankovic).
  • Tyrra singing along to "Flesh 'N Blood" was inspired by a trade I did with "Wickedinnocence92192" on dA. She drew an anthro Tyrra singing and dancing to the song while I drew her Cheshire-style kitty fursona as a curvy pinup girl.
  • The poster in the background is the original theatrical poster for "The Phantom of the Opera" (1925). My world came crashing down when I found out that movie is currently in the public domain in the US, alongside other horror classics, like "Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror" (1922) and "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" (1920), which is pretty much why I couldn't resist sneaking it into the strip (Quacklad's a fan of classic horror movies, a duck with good cinematic taste). 
  • Tyrra's anthropomorphic actions as a dog tend to border on the lines of the ones seen in "All Dogs Go to Heaven" (a scene in the movie inspired her casual pose in the chair, by the way).
  • A reoccurring element in the comic, along with my artwork in general, is the color green, due to it being the favorite color of my late paternal grandmother (in tribute, I've also made it Tyrra's favorite color, hence the chair and her MP3 player/earphones).
  • Tyrra's MP3 player is based on my own (a 3rd. Gen. iPod Nano- except the case is clear/white).
  • The little music notes were created entirely with GIMP using the Pencil and Eclipse tools.

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