Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Noun: A unique type of ghost known for dwelling within jack-o'-lanterns. Very mischievous, but overall, harmless and friendly to the owner of the pumpkin it's haunting.

  • Tyrra, unlike Quacklad, isn't gung-ho about "busting first, asking questions later" when it comes to encountering spirits. As a dog, it plays into the old myth of animals being able to see ghosts when humans can't, and as a young character, it plays into her love of scary things.
  • I like to think that due to different visual interpretations of monsters and ghosts, there would be a variety of different "breeds" and classifications of them based on habitat and existence within the "Quacktown" world. I've yet to explore it within the comic, but the look of ghosts will be based on memory, how well they remembered their past lives. The more they remember, the more they look like the spirits of human beings, and the latter resulting in odd-looking ones with unusual quirks like the Pumpkingeist here.
  • It's recently occurred to me that I love the traditional bed sheet template for cartoon ghosts. Maybe it's because they're so amorphous in appearance or the template itself being classic, but it's a fun design to doodle. I'm even proud to say that I own a bed sheet ghost costume that I'll sport this Halloween.
  • I love playing around with the Brush tool in GIMP for smoke and glowing effects. I did a yellow glow on the jack-o-lantern's eyes, nose, and mouth before adding the ghost's ectoplasmic green one. The smoke effect was added as a little nod to dry ice smoke effects at haunted attractions.

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