Sunday, October 14, 2012

Who Goes There...?

Hard at work on some short "Quacktown" comics for my favorite holiday coming up soon. Until then, enjoy some candid Samhain-inspired drawings featuring the Duck and his Dog.

After watching some scary movies back to back to get into the Halloween mood, I got inspired to draw Quacklad during his younger/early days of monster-hunting again.

  • Me wanting to draw Quacklad during his younger/early days came about after watching "The Woman in Black" again (hence the hatchet and lit candlestick). Nothing gives off a mix of spooky and retro cool like a Victorian ghost story.
  • The demon's design was inspired by Henrietta's stretched-out neck/skull face form from "Evil Dead II". A cycloptic eye, exposed gums/nasty teeth, and jutting cheekbones were added for extra creepiness. The ectoplasmic drool? Well, why not.
  • Serious fun was had playing around with coloring and gradient effects, not to mention drawing the ghostly demon and the Duck in his prime. 
  • Quacklad's old/Victorian outfit has color elements of his current one (mainly just the orange vest and purple tie as a nod to his usual orange hoodie and purple tuque). The demon's coloring scheme was bluish green for its spiritual aura and mix of light/dark tan shades. The Paintbrush tool was used for the glowing effects.

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