Friday, May 11, 2012

The Pow-Wow, Part 1 (Ric-M Collab)

And "Quacktown" is back! Sorry for the sudden lapse of activity, guys; I needed a break to create. You'd think it'd be easy to think of some wacky adventures for these two- but, no, it's actually pretty challenging.

Here's Part 1 of a 3-part collaboration I did with my buddy, Ric-M, from deviantART. He drew and colored the artwork while I provided the script and the lettering. Check out his stuff; Rick's artwork is all sorts of coolness. Nice guy, too!
  • Rick did a great job drawing Tyrra with a typical ashamed/sad dog face in the first panel, and major kudos should go out to him also for the look of the ectoplasm globs. The bright coloring on the characters contrast nicely against the spooky atmosphere of the background. I like how Disney duck-ish his take on Quacklad looks, too. 
  • This story's just a one-shot plot; there's no connection to the first two strips. It was something I wanted to practice my writing skills with and explore dialogue between these two characters (they fight a lot, but they're still close friends).
  • The ouija board:  harmless board game or powerful occult tool? You decide...
  • Regardless of Quacklad's distaste for them, I'm happy to say that most of my friends in high school were part of the Goth crowd. Pretty interesting crowd once you get to know some.
  • Ectoplasm ("ghostly snot") may leave nasty stains, but it's quite good on toast... 
  • ACTIVITY TIME: take a glob of Vaseline and mix it together with some neon blue and green food coloring, then smear some spots of it onto an old white shirt. Put the shirt on, then go down to your local laundromat. Walk up to the counter and tell whoever's working, "I got slimed!" They'll respect you for your creativity.
  • As a fan of history and the macabre (or "macabre history", if you will), I couldn't resist squeezing in a line about killer spinster Lizzie Borden.
  • Tyrra's got a whole box full of collars, not just her usual Tiwaz rune necklace. Oh, goodness...she's NAKED now!
  • "King's Tower Cemetery" is a nod to Stephen King and his dark fantasy/Western book series, "The Dark Tower". I could say it's also a nod to another King story, "Pet Sematary", but it's not that kind of cemetery.
  • "Gak" was a toy that was in no way welcome in our house when I was a kid, mainly due to my habit of throwing it against the wall or on the carpet.
  • Not sure what brand of smokes Quacklad likes, but they're REALLY cheap.
 - Stay tuned for Part 2 tomorrow! -

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