Monday, May 14, 2012

The Pow-Wow, Part 3 (Ric-M Collab)

Here it is: the conclusion of a 3-part collaboration I did with my buddy, Ric-M, from deviantART.

In a rare moment for these two, Quacklad and Tyrra cement their friendship...yeah, I know it's schmaltzy. Let's just bring this bitch home, okay?

  • My favorite panel on this last page has to be Tyrra's sad face. Rick did a great job on emphasizing her uneasiness and embarrassment, from her lowered head to her ready-to-well-up eyes and lowered ears.
  • To answer anybody's question of how exactly old Quacklad is: VERY.
  • I, for whatever messed-up reason, LOVE using the word, "tush" (it rolls off the tongue so pun intended)- and as a side-note, whenever I draw anthro girl pinups, THAT certain part of the female anatomy is what I tend to focus drawing first, aside from obvious big boobies and more curves than a road on a mountain (curse you, Milo Manara, Frank Cho, and Budd Root!).
  • FACT: the occupation of freelance occult detective/monster hunter is one of the world's most stressful and heavy-endurance jobs, next to single mom, birthday clown, naked sushi performer, and comic book store owner.
  • Despite how many times Tyrra can piss him off, Quacklad loves his doggy, even if he's not comfortable shouting it from the mountain tops.
  • Quacklad's "rough fellow" line is a paraphrased quote by Quincey P. Morris from Bram Stoker's "Dracula" (Chapter 25); I feel like it nicely sums up how the Duck views himself.
  • Take a good look at this, folks: Quacklad being open with his emotions to a close and personal friend (as rare as a shooting star or having lasagna over the chicken and fish).
  • I actually have a rough idea for an origin storyline that shows how Quacklad met Tyrra in that "frozen road to nowhere". I'd really like to do that in the future (all I need to do is write and draw it, and then we'll be getting somewhere).
  • Hmm... Tyrra armed to the gills, wearing two bandoliers strapped with grenades and explosives. That image...needs to be seen.
  • "The Deathcoaster" is a nod to Ash's rebuilt/reinforced car from "Army of Darkness" (don't be surprised at an abundance of nods to the "Evil Dead" series in this comic).
  • Quacklad and Tyrra's mode of transportation, the M-22, is named after my late grandpa's own race car, back from his young stock car racing days. I have yet to draw or design it because I to work on drawing cars (I suck at drawing cars).
  • Again with the coffin nails, Tyrra! Quit being preachy! He fights better without a nic-fit.
  • The smoke forming into an abstract skull COULD have a foreboding meaning, but to tell the honest truth, I just thought it would look cool. 
- Thanks for accepting my invitation to play in my comic playground, Rick! I'll be back with next week's strip, guys! Looks like it's back to the drawing board for me...

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