Thursday, August 23, 2012

Quacktown + ZombieToons MUST DIE! - Page 2 (AM Guest Strip)

Here's Page 2 of the five-part guest/crossover strip with "ZombieToons MUST Die!" by Aaron Mocksing.
  • Yeah, "Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers". Aaron did mention that the tagline for ZTMD is "Your childhood is dead." 'Nuff said!
  • In the vein of "Marvel Zombies", Aaron made the right choice of not sugarcoating the obvious outcome of Gadget here (still, poor girl; she was my favorite character on the show). I was more of a "DuckTales"/"Darkwing Duck"/"Gargoyles" fan, but she was pretty much my only reason to watch "Rescue Rangers" (yes, it was a cartoon crush- your jokes 'bout it are invalid).
  • Aaron did a great job designing the zombified Chip 'n Dale- those blank, lifeless eyes really sell it, along with the gory deterioration and flies.
  • After Aaron had e-mailed me this page, I got honestly got weirded out reading Chip 'n Dale's scenes and imagining their lines in the "Rescue Rangers" voices- but that's how effective horror-comedy can be: scary but fun. Picturing Tress MacNeille, Chip's voice-actress on the show, say the line, "...Get back up there and finish off Monty, you dumbshit..." in that sped-up/high-pitched voice is hilarious.
  • The fifth panel where Quacklad and Tyrra come into the story has a cool Spaghetti Western entrance: shadowy silhouettes and something blowing in the wind (a piece of paper instead of your run-of-the-mill tumbleweed).
  • Quacklad more worried about running out of his "coffin nails" than the post-apocalyptic surroundings and Tyrra zinging him is true to the characters. Aaron was a bit worried that they looked off model, but they look fine to me, just as long as they act like...well, how they act.
 And we'll return with Page 3 tomorrow- later!

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