Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Quacktown + ZombieToons MUST DIE! - Page 5 (AM Guest Strip)

And now the conclusion of the of the five-part guest/crossover strip with "ZombieToons MUST Die!" by Aaron Mocksing.
  • Aaron had originally wanted this to be a fan-comic for "Quacktown", which explains why this was short and ends on a cliffhanger. We're both hoping that this will pique some interest to continue the story.  
  • Aaron told me on dA that he wanted to make this crossover more of a moody, disquieting mysterious sort of piece, and that he wanted to revisit Lenny and Miko while "Keeping Up with Thursday" took off. 
  • Hey, look! Quacklad's fold-out crossbow pistol made another appearance (it's his favorite weapon and we will be seeing it again).
  • I like how nonchalant Lenny is talking to Tyrra. It always annoyed me in some movies and cartoons where people would flip the frak out at a talking dog. Seems like kids tend to have the most realistic reaction; they think it's the coolest thing ever. Based on what Lenny's used to, it's no different from the anthropomorphic toon characters he interacts with.
  • Too bad that the Z Warriors and Justice League left; that would've been interesting to see: them teaming up and fighting zombie cartoon characters. Oh, well- we can still dream, can't we?
  • "Heh...there goes my faith in superheroes."- I find that funny because when Quacklad was first being developed in high school, I had him in mind as a superhero's-sidekick-turned-detective character, sort of like something out of Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Avon Oeming's series, "Powers", and before that, the comic was a "Skyrim"-type fantasy story. A horror comedy/dark fantasy just seemed like the more fun/easier way to go.
  • Zombie Sentry- another nod to the "Marvel Zombies" series (you're making me want to check out that series more and more, Aaron).
Thanks again for taking up my offer on doing a guest-strip and whipping up this five-part coolness, Aaron. One day, we've got to continue this, but for now, it's a pretty good hook for potential. I'll return the favor of a guest strip real soon, good buddy!

Later, guys! When we come back, I'm goin' back to writing/drawing duties, plus maybe some more guest comics. Take it easy; I'm out like a boozehound at closing time.

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