Sunday, August 26, 2012

Quacktown + ZombieToons MUST DIE! - Page 3 (AM Guest Strip)

Page 3 of the five-part guest/crossover strip with "ZombieToons MUST Die!" by Aaron Mocksing is here! Looks like we got some butt-whupping on this page.
  • Tyrra's husky senses are tingling! Aaron did a great job on the first two panels, focusing on the Hyper Husky's keen scent and hearing.
  • "Nostalgic decay"- "Your childhood is dead", indeed.
  • "Hrrm.."- Quacklad doing his best Rorschach impression. Funny, considering that character had some influence on the Duck's creation.
  • I like how in the fifth panel we, as a reading audience, don't get a full view of Quacklad's face- very mysterious. For all we know it's probably a look of glee at getting the chance of killing something that's already dead (Quacklad lets his hate motivate).
  • Hmm, Tom and Jerry would be a tough zombie duo to fight, but at least they didn't run into Itchy and Scratchy, then they'd be screwed big time.
  • Poor Gadget. Aaron mentioned that she could go on to have a Reed Richards-style role, like in the "Marvel Zombies" series, but after considering Quacklad's punt, doubted if there was anything left of her. If so, consider it an accidental mercy killing on the Duck's part.
  • Looking back at some of those old cartoons where Chip 'n Dale made Donald Duck's life a living hell, you could say that this is karma's way of biting them back in their little striped butts.
  • "SPLRURRRKK!!!"- such a nasty-but-cool sound effect.
What happens next? To be continued with Page 4...!

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