Monday, August 27, 2012

Quacktown + ZombieToons MUST DIE! - Page 4 (AM Guest Strip)

And we're back with Page 4 of the five-part guest/crossover strip with "ZombieToons MUST Die!" by Aaron Mocksing. Here we we get our grand (and by that I mean, "epic-as-holy-heck") entrance of Lenny Pools and Miko Duck in the Ecto-1 of "Ghostbusters"-fame.
  • Aaron, on dA, said that if a zombie apocalypse ever happened, he'd go to Universal Studios and nab either the Ecto-1 or the Bluesmobile from "The Blues Brothers" (1980) (smart choices, yo!).
  • Also on dA, Aaron said that his vectors of the Ecto-1 were so good, that somebody asked if they could use them for something "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" related with Ghostbusters (way to go, Aaron!). Those vectors really did turn out nicely- I can't draw a car to save Alderaan's population. I've been trying to practice, though, but not much progress has been made.
  • Looking at the remains of the Rangers' HQ and the Ranger Plane make me think of a dark outcome for Zipper, the weird green housefly with a dog's face/Monterey Jack's sidekick (he probably hanged himself to escape a grisly death like Monty's). Aaron, through dA, later told me that Chip gave him to Dale to eat, but the little guy just wasn't enough to satisfy his zombie cravings (he's probably a light appetizer compared to a heaping helping like Monty).
  • Tyrra's smug smile on the third panel is too adorable for words.
  • "You've got red on you."- as a big fan of "Shaun of the Dead", that made me smile a lot, even more so that Aaron had Tyrra quoting it (thanks and kudos, dude!).
  • You'd think Quacklad would invest in getting some custom-made sandals to prevent unwanted blood splatter and rough terrain, but I like to think his webbed feet have the incredible durability of a hobbit's.
  • Not sure why, but I thought Quacklad looked kinda like Darkwing Duck on the fifth panel, but in a cool way.
  • To satify the curiosities of fans who were wondering why the Ecto-1 survived, yet Gadget Hackwrench didn't, Aaron stated that while everybody was watching the "Rescue Rangers" cartoon at the time, he was watching "The Real Ghostbusters" show as it was wrapping up on ABC ("I preferred the cooler programming."). I watched both, but again, only watched "Rescue Rangers" 'cause I had a crush on Gadget (haters, kindly take it to the left and keep it there, thank you). 
  • I have yet to see any of "The Expendables" movies, yet have heard nothing but kick-ass things about them.
  • While we're on the subject of anthro girl cuties, Miko's pretty hot for a duck- just don't get any ideas about shipping her with Quacklad (he's in the mindset of, "No time for love, Dr. Jones", when it comes to romance).
 To be concluded with Page 5 tomorrow!

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